Week 5? I think? I lost count. The power of a voice.

Last week was really tough on me. I started vocal coaching and I was quickly humbled. For the first time in my life, my voice had been put into question. People always told me that I had a beautiful voice, that I should rely on my voice because it never “failed” me. 

The pressure of accomplishing my dream was coming out in my sounds. Everything seemed harder than it ever had been in my life. I started to think “Am I too old for this?” “Will I be accepted?” “Can I sing that high?” “Can I hit these notes?” “I can’t hit them anymore.” “I sound terrible.” Like a snowball that turns into an avalanche, I no longer had faith in my voice or myself. 

I immediately sought help. Just like I am when I seek anything… I sought the best. Luckily he had one last available spot to take me in as a student and I started. 

The most interesting thing I find in my voice lessons is that the things he is trying to improve with me vocally are a metaphor for my journey. Many parallels to be drawn. An example, That when I think something is out of reach, give myself enough room and go higher to place myself where it is I need to be. That’s exactly the lesson we are learning at Failure Club, and now I’m learning again in a more technical sense. 
