“You Can’t Fly, If You Don’t Try” by Elizabeth Chan | Christmas Music #153

So today’s daily song is a reflection of how I feel today. How humbled I am at the support I’ve received around my project. I have been crying all day, because by noon today, my record “Naughty & Nice” debuted top 10 iTunes Holiday Albums. I am now in a league that includes Michael Buble, Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift. I cried all day because I was getting phone calls from my friends but also because I was so angry I let people make me believe I couldn’t do this. That I lived without music and didn’t try for my dream for years. If you take the road you are given and you do your best, and you are real and authentic – the world will give back to you in spades. The world will also protect your dream. For that I am so humbled for everyone who has viewed and followed my journey. Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy #153

“You Can’t Fly, If You Don’t Try”
copyright 2012 Elizabeth Chan
