12 Days of Elizabeth Chan Daily Christmas Songs: #8 – New Yorkers Hate The Snow

I am born and raised New Yorker. The only Christmas scenes I know involve New York City. White Christmas’ happen to be extraordinarily beautiful in my neighborhood – but once you set foot out of Battery Park, snow is pretty for a nano second. After that moment, snow becomes yellow, grey and black ice. No one finds it fun to navigate around the corner curbs and a cab driving through the slush puddles can really screw up your week.

As long as you don’t look down – and stare up at the snow and skyline, NYC in the snow can be gorgeous.

My first Christmastime Winter song/poem I wrote as a kid went like this:

Let me tell you something you didn’t know
Never in your life eat yellow snow
It may look tempting with its yellow glare
You just don’t know what’s in there.

My songwriting skills have gotten much better since I was a kid – but my heart for everything Christmas and the city have not changed. 🙂
