Greetings from Austin, TX!

It’s Christmas in Austin! Out of everything I love about coming to Austin for the SXSW conference, one thing I noticed is how Christmas’y’ Austin can be. There is literally Christmas all around the city if you look for it. Last night, as daylight was being put to the bed, the skies around me lit up in a fantastic tangle of multi-colored Christmas lights.

Last year at this time, I attended the festival with the “Failure Club” crew, where I was just dipping my toe in the water with my Christmas music. Fast forward a year later, I’ve got a Christmas catalogue of over 300 songs (and growing!) and both feet in the business.

I’ve been blessed to meet with old and new friends whilst down here and checking out the CRAZY awesome acts that have come down this year. Nothing is more inspiring than watching artists do amazing sets. It brings me joy like nothing else.

In fact, last night after watching a set by #Bernhoft, I ended up asking his tech for the setlist. I had not done that ever I don’t think. The performance was so inspiring, I just wanted a keepsake momento to remind me why I do what I do, and why I love what I do. 🙂

After dinner with a friend, I remarked to him how there is Christmas everywhere if you just look for it.

Merry Christmas everyone!
